How osteochondrosis manifests itself

Osteochondrosis is a serious disease of the spine that leads to disability. There are three types of disease: thoracic, cervical, lumbar. Everyone has symptoms.

The dystrophic disorder in the articular cartilage affects the space between the vertebrae. Osteochondrosis destroys cartilage tissue, leading to thinning. Everything around is inflamed, including nerve fibers. Gradually the vertebrae shift, the nerves are compressed. In each department of the spine, this leads to certain symptoms and consequences. The neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis are considered important, serious.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis

The main symptoms that occur in types of diseases:

  • Pain in the focus of the disease, worsening at rest.
  • Weakness in the body, present on waking, throughout the day. Caused by lack of oxygen.
  • Blood pressure spikes. Characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis, it occurs in other types of disease.
sedentary work and back pain with osteochondrosis

The disease has vague, generalized underlying symptoms and therefore requires careful diagnosis. Think about the neurological side of the symptoms.

Neurology for cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a type of dystrophic disease that affects the vertebrae of the neck. Due to the progressive disease, there is a serious displacement of the vertebrae. The symptoms are clear. The disease is common. Adolescent children, younger ones are often affected.

Neurological manifestations of dystrophic disorders in the cervical spine:

  1. Cervical pain is present in all stages of cervical osteochondrosis. It is expressed by dull pain in the deep tissues of the neck. Patients complain of a feeling of "car in the neck". The discomfort is present throughout the day and worsens at night.
  2. Inflammation of the anterior muscle of the rock is expressed by pain in the side of the neck, palpably radiating to the affected arm. Finger cramps on waking. It is caused by inflammation of nerve fibers, the roots of the vertebrae C5-C7.
  3. Cranialgia is characteristic of severe osteochondrosis of the neck. It is expressed by a syndrome of burning pain in the scalp, above the eyebrows. Even powerful painkillers often cannot be soothed.
  4. Cochlevestibular sensations are expressed by ear pain, cracking. Manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis require an urgent visit to the doctor. Oxygen starvation is to blame.

Cervical osteochondrosis has manifestations of neuralgia that require medical supervision. There are many arteries in the neck. The disease reduces blood flow, causing disturbances, disturbances. The main symptoms of the disease by neurology are listed.

The manifestations of the disease are not obvious, this refers to the initial stage. Most go to the doctor when the disease has a second or third stage.

back pain with osteochondrosis

Neurology for thoracic osteochondrosis

Neurological manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis:

  1. Pain under the shoulder blade - dorsalgia. The man leans forward. There is a feeling of fatigue in the back, unbearable heaviness in the upper part.
  2. The plexuses around the clavicle and ribs swell. Causes discomfort when turning the back. The swelling is palpable under the shoulder blade.
  3. In the atrium, a person experiences pain. Often there are no cardiac pathologies, the point is in the xiphoid process, which becomes inflamed due to back disease. The symptom is considered to be bright, widespread. Neurologists are confronted with complaints from patients with heart pain. The disease does not affect the heart.

These are the main symptoms of the manifestation of osteochondrosis of the chest in terms of neurological changes in the body. The symptoms are severe discomfort, pain. Pain relieves painkillers, painkillers, psychotropic drugs used in severe illness.

The listed symptoms emphasize the manifestation of the disease in the chest area.

Neurology for lumbar osteochondrosis

The manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine are of the general condition, neurology. Osteochondrosis refers to a neurological disease involving a neurologist. Manifestation of dystrophic disorders in the articular cartilage of the lumbar spine by neurology:

  1. Lumbosciatica is a lumbar pain that radiates to the legs. Manifested after a long time in an awkward position. It has a chronic, subacute form. Chronic lumbosciatica is common. A common symptom of lumbar osteochondrosis in the second stage.
  2. Lumbago is a low back pain that worsens at night. There are types of lumbago. Each type differs in the nature of the pain.
  3. Nerve root disorders. Low back disease is associated with nerve roots in the back that become inflamed and disrupt the body's motor activity.

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a common type of osteochondrosis. Every third patient suffers from dystrophic disorders in the articular cartilage. It sometimes occurs in women after childbirth. It is associated with injuries to the lumbar region, pelvis, which occurred during childbirth, during birth.

Exacerbation of the disease is possible in subsequent births. The treatment is comprehensive, complete. Most drugs are contraindicated for breastfeeding. The doctor must find a way out of the situation by drawing up a scheme based on appropriate drugs. Physiotherapy and traditional medicine are often taken as a basis. Complete treatment without drugs will not work, but the weakening of the effect of the disease on the body of a young mother is guaranteed.

The course of osteochondrosis

After pointing out how osteochondrosis manifests itself, we note the stages of the disease, characteristic of the types of the disease.

The acute course of the disease lasts 4 weeks. The patient feels a slight pain in the area of inflammation.

Subacute disease lasts up to three months. This is followed by a chronic course that lasts more than a year. Untimely, incomplete treatment threatens with serious problems in physical activity. Osteochondrosis can lead to damage, treatment should be taken seriously.

The therapy for the removal of osteochondrosis is compiled by the attending physician - neurologist. Self-medication is excluded - the probability of positive dynamics without competent self-medication is small.

After the main therapy, the body will need time to recover. The doctor will prescribe a course of physiotherapy, using methods of traditional medicine. Prescriptions of traditional medicine will shorten the recovery period if used wisely. There are many plants, natural components that help the body to consolidate the result after healing.